World Famous Art Gallery at Ocean City..and the sign la
After returning from the boardwalk on Ocean City I finally realized that the persistent state of humanity is total insanity. That most people walk around in a st
ate of fear and anxiety, alone, and when humans get together on vacation it is like the gathering of elephants during musth. The proof is the pictures of the giant slice of humanity I saw at Ocean City. I haven't been on a boardwalk in many years and now I know why..LOL. The line for "Ripley's Believe it or Not" , modern era freak show was almost as long as the line for the Thrasher's (boardwalk fries), even though there were three Thrasher's on the boardwalk, only one had a line that was super long, validating my herd instinct theory. Why in the world wouldn't the folks just go down a half a block and go to the Thrasher's with no line? There is no reason why not other than the pack/herd mentality and people have finally grown used to waiting in totally unacceptably long lines of mass humanity from years of shopping and somehow, even though it is the EXACT same Thrasher's Boardwalk fry, maybe it could be a tad better because the line was longer, and there may be some truth to it, because by the time one gets to the front of the line, feint from hunger and dehydration, and suffering from serious stupidity, the fries could be tastier. It is sort like water tastes like Dom Perignon in the desert. Ok so much for mini lesson on mob behavior. 
Here are some really cool photos from O.C. yes they also have their own version of a a nickname, O.C. Maryland, or is that Over Come, Maryland, or Obsessive Compulsive, Maryland, or is that Ocean Carnage, Maryland or is that.. Okay Corral, Maryland? Anyway, I made it back, sore, and got some cool shirts too. Note cool sand beach that was worth it.