OK, make that eight days, five hours, 10 minutes, 40 seconds and counting..tick tock
Home life :)
Stockings still in bags: check
Chimney loaded with soot: check
Garage filled with boxes and garbage: check
Ashtrays loaded: check
Lists and receipts all over the house: check
All major appliances have hit their planned obsolesence date: check
Stove on the fritz: check
Relatives and family restarted 20 year old family feud: check
Family informs you that diet excludes turkey, ham, and all meat.. gone vegan only;
Exceptions: lobster and jumbo shrimp
Family members are allergic to all alchol except Dom Perignon.
Last heard conversation at McDonald's: Uncle Milt is getting his concealed weapons permit.. I didn't think he was legal..he ain't
Last heard in the Parking lot: Keep honking I am reloading now..
Seriously though OK OK OK
'Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveller back to his own fireside and quiet home!' Charles Dickens
Remember those days? it happened..
HO HO HO and a Merry Christmas to all and to all Good night..