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Saturday, November 23, 2013

JFK, Aldous Huxley and C.S Lewis: NOVEMBER 22nd 1963

Aldous Huxley author of BRAVE NEW WORLD

NEWLY Enhanced JFK film

Clive Staples Lewis, commonly called C. S. Lewis and known to his friends and family as "Jack", was a novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, and Christian apologist.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Affordable Health Care FULLY explained with shortcuts to get on the ACA website

 WHAT! I put the White House link on there.. !!! this is all I could find and I live right near Washington so I thought I would share it with you. !!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Some of my favorite from the past and current

Just a couple photos letting my family and friends know I am alive and well; despite rumors of my disappearance.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer of 2013 SUPER BUSY time on the Potomac

 Joe and me at the new Condo

Joe figuring out his new smartphone..needs a handbook I still refuse to use one
 Birthday girl, September 5 was the real date
 Man to man conversation about the cheesecake that I made.. turned out great.. still working on the topping it has been five years since I made it.. but it was still awesome
Joe and Angie at the new Condo.. :) more to come

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you..:)

This past year's photos some good and some gorgeous. I am deliberately not mentioning
the news because there is really nothing to say. Alexandria is still standing and the flowers are still blooming. God still reigns. and I miss all my friends. Soon I will done with this humongous new learning experience at this age.. sigh.. and I can resume my favorite amusements.. swimming, and writing, hanging around the beltway and maybe even Del Ray. hugs xoxo izzy
National Gallery of Art underground June 2013

Me with new haircut and hat to hide it; worst haircut I have had since 2002

the newly engaged couple .. you should see the ring.:)

my favorite color azaleas were magnificent this year

Side view of the azaleas in the back..
ahhhh.:) so what else did you want to see? lol, don't answer that.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

HAPPY2013. We are all here despite the doom and gloom predictions and end of the world prediction by an extinct tribe of people. I am going to start publishing a new blog which is going to consist of "DREAMS" real dreams that people have about the future or think they have had. I have had many dreams in technicolor about the future and according to one of my most amazing dreams I had in August 13, 1989 the world will go on and on until 2050 or 2,500, it was a dream after all so that is what I can remember.. for real.

Anyway, as a tribute to my brother, James Musto, who would have been 55 today I will post one of my favorite watercolors that he created. 85 Years of Tradition needs no further explanation.
Happy Birthday, little brother, I know you are playing in the greatest symphony in the universe right now. I still miss you and always will. Jimmy. xoxo, Isabella