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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Political Cartoons and revisionist theory revisited

Having some fun today,, look at the cartoons I got today..hmmm well it is either that or cry..:)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Edward Kennedy, aka Ted Kennedy

I can only say this, after working in medical oncology for over,, well I guess now it has been since 1973 if you count the research for NIH, I can only say that Godspeed be with Senator Kennedy and his family. I am sorry for having been such critic because he is a decent man and I never said anything publicly about him.
I respect and admire him, even though I have been opposed to most of his political mandates, except for civil rights.
I will say this, not that anyone will ever read this from his family, but I thought I would post it in case someone runs across it,, PLEASE DO NOT GET CHEMOTHERAPY, surgery and localized radiation on the tumor will work and forgot about those clinical trials,, and I also after spending years in medical oncology,, get lots of morphine needed when they actually do the biopsy, which will have to be done to ascertain the level of malignancy
May God be with you, Senator Kennedy and your family.
PS do you remember Father Gerry Creedon? an Irish Priest from Blessed Sacrament?
he helped our family too when my father was in a coma.

Monday, May 19, 2008

First lady or spouse is fair game

Obama needs to develop thick skin, if he thinks that saying " my wife is not fair game",, wait until, and I hope to God this doesn't happen, he is the real candidate,, God forbid..when every move he makes and every move his wife makes is open to public redicule starting with every cartoonist,, satirist, comedian, Saturday night live, etc..
Com'on brother, didn't you know that? When Michelle made that statement, ok, it could have been a slip of tongue,,who cares? LIMELIGHT hurts..hope to God the Obamas are paying hired help.

Spring sog, er make that blog

Honeysuckle in the back yard

AAAHHHH CHOOOO, April showers bring May flowers..
