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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's day weekend

LOOK Who will be here tonight, world renowned Light artist illuminating the Washington National Cathedral and if it doesn't rain too hard I am going to drive over to Rosslyn and take some photos!!! here is an example, Gerry Hefstetter, swiss light artist, I think that is his name,,,have to check spelling has illuminated Cathredrals and Monuments all over the world, including the Brandebourg Gate in Berlin, (I have seen that) and the Sphinx, (still on my check list of places to visit,, and now he is Washington for three days,, last night, Saturday night, tonight and tomorrow at the Washington National Cathedral. I have decided where I will go to take the photos or when, but I will drive over late tonight after the crowd, (hopefully is gone)

and tomorrow being Mother's day, I will also post some Classic Car Photos from the Mother's Day car show, now a family tradition.

Oh and while I am celebrating life, mom, apple pie,, here are a few more photos from my trip outwest; that is the symbol outside a Navaho housing subdivision in Winslow, the symbol on the left, is their symbol for medicine or healing and he has a "name" ,, which I will find out later, and the one of the right, I don't know. I took that photo when I got lost outside of Winslow Arizona and ended up in Navaho territory, later ... I was told by the people in Winslow, that I was not allowed to take that photo, but I didn't know that..!!! for real now folks..

so I got lucky and here is a real Navaho monument in Winslow Arizona.

let's see what else..

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Boycott tourism in Lake County, Indiana

Really give me a break, is this the fifteen minutes of fame
well guess what it totally smacks of the days of mafia run politics
this is outrageous, holding the nation .. and campaigns hostage for 11,ooo plus votes and I am sure it is a conservative county and Clinton will win but it is totally sickening...
NO WAY,, Don King production
and if she does lose this state,, I don't appreciate "Mafia/run/absentee ballot/slash/ counting.. NO WAY could one county make a state lose at four per cent.. WOW another anomaly,,, but if it is that close.. Indiana will have to pay for the two percent anomaly recount. and if I were Hillary I would do it
Marshall Coleman did it in Virginia,, and guess what.. that is the name of the game. Sounds like Illionois tried to get over..but it doesn't work that way anymore people.. BIG BROTHER sometimes works in one's favor LOL.

Florida and Michigan will vote in November

I am watching CNN... aka Obama Network .. true to their calling ..or not calling,, dragging out the win for Clinton in Indiana.. give me a break..

but listening to the sophistry,, yes,,dialogue/agreetodisagree/etc

about the Florida Michigan delegates not being seated.. or allowed and then saying it was Obama who denied that,, and frankly I didn't keep track of that, but if that is what they said.. it may be true, but the fall out of the denial of the Florida/Michigan delegates, if they are not allowed to seated is the fact that the Democrats will NOT have a clear consensus and picture of their own party, because in the General Election, come November: GUESS WHAT?

Florida and Michigan will be allowed,, (will be allowed,,what has this primary come to? ).. TO VOTE, unfetered.. Yep..

so there gang, by the way, Lanny Davis appears to be an objective analyst even though he is a Clinton supporter, I like his logic and math and sticking to the facts, for real no spin zone
