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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I am embarrassed to say, that the Media is really involved with the election
How is this for a play
The Media supports Obama, even though he is behind.. for sure, he does not have the Delegates right now.. and he at this point is clearly behind. the Media contiunues to claim he is the winner, even though he is not,, Hillary Clinton, whom I well. let's face it, I have disliked for ten years. even though she is the better candidate has clearly won this round and will win the Democratic Primary, unless the Super Candidates secretly change their vote.Ok go back to the game
The Media ballyhous Obama and he somehow finagles the nomination, WOW .. so that means any real Republican, and that would be me, even though I have huge Libertarian bones in my body.. would be thrilled because there is no way Obama can beat McCain
HELLO, it appears that.. we have another prediction, McCain will win the Presidency and let's see, perhaps Jeb Bush for VP and Huckabee in there somewhere.
Wow.. and all because the big mouthed Media couldn't shut the Boink up.
So much for an election. Let's just appoint a King, after all we are a Republic right?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday Projection

Even though I have had a serious flu for the past two weeks, I am getting better finally today on Super Tuesday
and just to remind everyone, being an old political hack and poll watcher and media dicer..and slicer..LOL
I so love all this brouhaha.. ha ha about Obama and I did threaten to publish a cartoon about him in the White House demanding Andrew Jackson's crystal ashtray,, after he won,,and throwing away his Nicorettes, and lighting up the hundred year old Cuban cigar.. but I got the Flu,, so I will settle for a projection tonight, and no statistics involved .. just good old fashioned 30 years of watching the polls and pundits
But before I tell you who will win the Super Tuesday,, I found it extra amusing that Virginians.. even Northern Virginiians.. supposedly urbane and sophisticated politicos did not know that our Super Tuesday scheduled for February 12th.. Maybe I should have posted this yesterday before some folks headed down the to voting sites that were NOT open.
OK HERE IT IS: Hillary Clinton vs John McCain
That is a projection, not an endorsement for either candidate. LOL
That's all folks, no photos tonight.