Last night after watching the TV hype for a week, since I have been resting intensely, if one can do that, because I have had a flare up of a pinched sciatic nerve in my back,, now finally resolving.. slowly I settled into to watch the revelation of the newly found Codex by Nostradamus. The History Channel took us to Italy where the Codex filled with pictures of references to tbe Bible, Astrology, Knights Templar and if all this doesn't sound like a real Da Vinci Code being deciphered amazingly enough, it does appear that Nostradamus was able to predict the big chunks of the future. I truly was amazed. When the book is finally reproduced and the scholars are done with it,, and rendering their interpretations I would like to have a look at the Codex pictures,, actually drawings and see if there is any correlation to Leonardo Da Vinci's artwork. Sort of index the like images.
Anyway for Prophecy and Doomsday,,!! buffs it was quite a treat, and they also had short blurb on
Edgar Cayce, the 20th century "sleeping prophet" .. who died in Virginia Beach, where his library and bulk of all his readings reside. The next time I go there, I will visit the Edgar Cayce Institute.
My favorite of his predictions.. all while he was in a state of self hynpnosis, and when he was awake he remembered none of it.. is the finding of the Archived documents from Atlantis. He predicted the Atlantians time capsuled knowledge/fountainhead of knowledge will be eventually located under the Left paw of the Sphinx in Egypt. So far, one researcher actually "scanned" (not sure with what equipment) and said there is a huge "cavern" or man made tunnel under the Right Paw, and they can tell by echo location that "something" is in there--but they have not been allowed to excavate or explore further by the Egyptian government.!!