Where I want to be now.....then and at the end..which will not be on December 21, 2012
Beauty, art, peace and joy has been my focus in 2012 and I want to redouble my efforts in 2013.
RIP to Bobby Winkler, dear friend and musician who came over and played "Somewhere over the rainbow, especially for me right before he died of cancer. I continue to miss him.
Here he is on UTube if you feel like listening to him sing the last time I heard him.
http://youtu.be/cX4H49--bRA and I just found this on UTube when he was playing in concert 2009.
RIP to Robert Winkler, good friend of Angie's who died of Cancer this summer, and I will post on his minor pieces of art work, he was a landscape artist, long time friend and he shalle be missed by all of us still stuck on the "rock" in the middle of the roaring waters mistakenly called Earth. Obviously he smoked Marlboros.
So that is enough what is called MAJOR EVENTS in my life for this year. I personally have not done much in the way of writing, just touched up and reworked some of the prose and stories I have worked on for the past couple years, no samples here.
The rest will be photographs: and read between the lines on everything else.. the photos will be in chronological order, and I may throw in something borrowed or something blue, because frankly, I am having a Blue Christmas, and no photos of Elvis this year either: So starting with August in LaHoya, September, October, November, and December
Musto Arts LLC: a special note, the website is STILL under construction; I have had a difficult time
with it, if you want anything in particular email me at mustomusto@yahoo.com, I found out
that even if anyone orders I have to go to Paypal to find out. sigh.
Jennifer Duffer at the National History Museum,, DC, Jenn and Gregg from Texas visited me for three fun filled DC touring days. lol resting and adjusting Gregg's fancy camera.. he takes great photos