that I designed, personally and planned with the homebase being in Winslow Arizona on Route 66 because I wanted to see Meteor Crater, near Winslow, so we ended up driving the full Route 66 tour, and also a full day trip! to Monument Valley, Utah. (I did the driving)!We actually took that route and the trip the four corners was added in when we were out there--we had an extra day and one half for general touring in April of 2008. For personal fun and amusement,, I want to post some of my favorites and new ones that I have never shared about the La Posada. We were at the La Posada Hotel for lunch and toured its mini Navaho museum which is located IN Winslow Arizona---which was hard to tell when reading the article the Smithsonian.
La Posada was truly an amazing hotel with a guest book that included SUPER stars of the world! So I will post some of those pages and a couple favorites for my amusement and a reminder that life does get better after January--even though we are having a mild winter. January is still a "short light" month. Sigh
Indian artwork which was near marking an Indian Housing Project just outside of Winslow, it was illegal to take that but I didn't know that until I got back into town and ask at the Post Office. It was EERIE out there too.
National Park outside of Flaggstaff, Arizona on the way to Monument Valley which contained an ancient volanic Lava Flow, I walked in it and it was crunchy and strange. Sunset Crater is the result of the Volcano which exploded in 1180.
This Merrick Butte, Monument Valley, Utah, and I added it for perspective. if you look REAL closely that little dot in the foreground is a car coming down the road; the Buttes are so large it is hard to realize how big they care until you see the "dot" of the car or see a person in the photo and of course all you can see is the "base of the Butte" .. working on my bucket list.. :)