On his similarly bellicose webpage, www.Anti-IRS.com, Bill Conklin even offers a $50,000 reward to anyone who can find the statute that requires income tax payment. It is a bounty that has stood uncollected for years, despite numerous attempts to claim it, including one by the late, great San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli. (When Belli's arguments failed, he sued to collect the prize. He lost that one, too.)
I knew it would happen one day, and now I am there.
Legal Assistant Today March/April 2001
Mr. Conklin wrote Why No One Is Required to File Tax Returns. Mr. Conklin's book proves that the IRS cannot legally require the filing of tax returns and that the courts and the government are misrepresenting the law.
The IRS refers to the income tax as voluntary but prosecutes individuals who do not "volunteer" in violation of the law.
Bill Conklin started fighting the IRS in 1979 and he has been whipping them ever since. He started his own freedom group in 1979 and started winning major victories against the IRS in 1981. His most recent book is: Why No One is Required to File Tax Returns.
In Bill's book you will learn that:
There is no statute that makes a person liable or responsible to pay the income tax. Individuals only become liable to pay the income tax when they voluntarily file a tax return, or when the IRS follows its assessment procedures as outlined in the Internal Revenue Code.
If there were a statute which clearly and unequivocally required the filing of tax returns, such a statute would be unconstitutional under the present income tax system to the extent that it would require individuals to give the government information which could be used against them criminally.
The IRS, under our U.S. Constitution, cannot legally require information on 1040 returns from individuals. That is why the IRS continually refers to the income tax as "voluntary".
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I already sent my formal letter to the IRS and it made me feel better to know that my memory is still intact, because I sent the IRS basically what Bill Conklin said before I read his website.. more fun days to come..do they have FAX machines in Federal Prison..lol..
Round one: waiting