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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Alpaca meeting :)

Felix and pulled over at the Truck Rest stop near Kings Dominion. When I was getting back into the car--I noticed two animals that looked like mini-Llamas. I asked the owner, his name is Chuck Domm and I will post more later if I could take a picture of his Llamas, well it turns out that these beautiful creatures are Alpacas.
The white Alpaca's name is B.B. King, short for Bon Bon King, and Chuck told me his father is a world class Alpaca. The black Alpaca's name is Stephen Colbert, (I think that is a news/commentator/comedian)
Anyway. Chuck, B.B. King and Stephen Colbert were taking a break on their way to the National Alpaca Convention that convenes September 29th.
He gave me a cool news article which I will read and post another day, since I am in North Carolina, but when I saw those beautiful gentle animals I decided to post it right away.