Why am I talking about the North Pole today? Belmont Saturday, which I am watching now,, waiting for Big Brown to make his appearance;
for one thing, I have been totally busy dealing with legal "affairs" that continue to interupt my life and cause loss of creativity-- andd also because I just got inside and it feel like it is 90 F out there.
I read an article last week, about the continued pressured by Big Oil to extract and destroy,,(in my opinion) the beautiful pristine areas of the Arctic Wildlif Refuge. I said to myself.. well,, I will get around to Blogging on this some day,, but I actually had the time today,, and my computer is actually working, for a change --another story BTW, Vista O/S is a disaster.. but back to the point
the article I read discussed the purchase of Churchill by Pat Broe, a Denver Business man, for the cost of 10$ about ten years ago. What is Churchill? A subArctic Port in the North Pole.
At the time, no one even thought that a subArctic Port could be exploited, let alone used to access the Arctic for oil drilling.
Because of the ice melt in the Arctic, ice breakers can now reach the Northwest Passage and countries all over the world are salivating to use the Northwest Passage for oil exploitation, and use it as a shipping lane to bypass the Panama Canal. The article predicts that the Northwest Passage will be "ice-free" so the it can be used as shipping lane.
Can you imagine how much more quickly the ice will melt with all the activities of ice breaking, shipping lanes, oil production. A third grader, like the pundits like to say can figure out that the addition of ships, men, huge expenditures of energy in that area, which generate huge amounts of heat will contibute to further melt down of the Arctic North.
No wonder that Mother Earth is getting more and more violent in her response to the constant abuse she is receiving at the hands of so called far sighted business men and their collective friends--to use the living organism analogy, and I believe the earth is huge living organism, gasping for its very life.
Quoting from Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Why Trash an American Treasure for a Tiny Percentage of Our Oil Needs?
Press contact: Heather Taylor, NRDC, 703-357-5429; Brian Moore, Audubon, 202-386-1516; Mary Beth Beetham, Defenders of Wildlife, 202-772-0231; Beth Lowell, Oceana, 202-833-3900; Kassandra Serveny, Marine Conservation Biology Institute, 202-546-5346; Maribeth Oakes, The Wilderness Society, 202-429-2674; Peter Raabe, American Rivers, 202-243-7046
If you are not a member of the press, please write to us at nrdcinfo@nrdc.org or see our contact page
Bush Budget Rewards Relic Industries, Strapped Natural Resources Take a Hit
Leading Environmental Groups Analyze Bush Spending Plan
WASHINGTON (February 4, 2008) – Today, President Bush unveiled his final federal spending plan proposal for FY2009, accurately reflecting his administration’s misplaced priorities and continued favors to polluters, according to conservation and environmental leaders.
Again, President Bush stripped critical funds protecting America’s communities and natural resources, and instead rewarded dirty industries. All of this came a week after touting his commitment to advance clean, renewable resources and reduce dependence on oil.
Green Budget Released Today
Also today, the nation’s leading energy and environmental groups released the annual “Green Budget” for fiscal year 2009. The Green Budget outlines the most critical funding needs, and highlights areas where even a small amount of money will pay huge dividends when it comes to protecting our air, water, climate, public health and wildlife.
The Green Budget is available at: http://www.saveourenvironment.org/greenbudget2009.pdf
The Green Budget was created by the following organizations:
Alaska Wilderness League, American Lands Alliance, American Rivers, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Water Action, Defenders of Wildlife, Endangered Species Coalition, Friends of the Earth, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Audubon Society, National Environmental Trust, National Parks Conservation Association, National Wildlife Federation, Oceana, The Ocean Conservancy, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Public Citizen, Union of Concerned Scientists, U.S. Public Interest Research Group, The Wilderness Society, and World Wildlife Fund.
nuff said for now.