Give me a break,, I know Bill Clinton has got to know about the Terrorist link and Obama
and the US and the McCain Campaign needs to make sure that the electing public and the Electorate knows about the fact that Obama has LONG LINKS AND TIES TO the Muslims,, both monetarily and evidently emotionally
and I hope that Jews understand,, that a vote for Obama is a vote for the their demise.. along with USA constitution. The Brits get it, they have been totally penetrated by Jihad and Islamics
that is why they have Jihad watch,, but it is too late,, the snake has been let in,, and now they are working on the USA via the weak link of the Democrats,, Bill Clinton as a Rhodes Scholar must be aware of this, but socialism and communism, Godless as they ,, is a far cry from the Islamic fanatics, the greatist threat that has existed since human kind has recorded history.
Google it. don't take my grasshopper peace loving USA patriotic word for it,, do a CNN fact check
Bill Clinton says he understands Palin's appeal
Bill Clinton said Monday he understands why Sarah Palin is popular in the heartland: because people relate to her.
Associated Press Writer
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Bill Clinton said Monday he understands why Sarah Palin is popular in the heartland: because people relate to her.
"I come from Arkansas, I get why she's hot out there," Clinton said. "Why she's doing well."
Speaking to reporters before his Clinton Global Initiative meeting, the former president described Palin's appeal by adding, "People look at her, and they say, 'All those kids. Something that happens in everybody's family. I'm glad she loves her daughter and she's not ashamed of her. Glad that girl's going around with her boyfriend. Glad they're going to get married.'"
Clinton said voters would think, "I like that little Down syndrome kid. One of them lives down the street. They're wonderful children. They're wonderful people. And I like the idea that this guy does those long-distance races. Stayed in the race for 500 miles with a broken arm. My kind of guy."
Palin, the governor of Alaska, became an overnight star when Republican presidential candidate John McCain tapped her for his running mate. Her family, including her Down syndrome baby, Trig, her pregnant 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, and her husband, Todd, four-time winner of the 2,000-mile Iron Dog snowmobile race, have garnered intense media interest.
"I get this," Clinton said. "My view is ... why say, ever, anything bad about a person? Why don't we like them and celebrate them and be happy for her elevation to the ticket? And just say that she was a good choice for him and we disagree with them?"
The global initiative, a project of Clinton's foundation, will hold its four-day annual meeting in Manhattan starting Tuesday.
After that, Clinton said he will be busy campaigning for the Democratic ticket of Sens. Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
On the Net: http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org
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