Photo to left, Dad in Germany relaxing with some of his Army buddies drinking a beer,, The Great Musto :) look at the mustache !!

Photo to the right,, not sure where or when taken,, he was in the Battle of Normandy, France, Italy but I suspect it was taken in Korea in the early 60s since he had no mustache then-- and appears older about the time he went to Korea in 1961. I didn't know it snowed there like that! So anyway, perhaps I can figure it out, I have very few photos of him,, he hated to have his picture taken.. and didn't say much about his military life. What I know, I found in his papers long after he died.
Photos of my James F. Musto, WWII, Korea, Four Bronze Stars, Retired USA, MasterSargeant
Born: Pittston, PA, 1913
Died: Alexandria, VA 1982
1950, Dad holding me! Look at that cigarette behind his ear,, looking at his new baby girl, somewhere in Germany.