I was watching late night TV, and I should know better, when I once again, heard.. Jesse Ventura, and I do like his style of speaking REALLY SLOW talking about the unfairness..(OH WELL get over it), of forcing Government employees to retire at 65 and the John McCain, being over 70 running for President,, and how does that work, well. Jesse, guess what, being the man of history and politics that you are,, perhaps a review of the Constitution may help you and the media's confusion on this non issue.
The constitution establishes a MINIMUM age to run for President,, that would be age 35 to make sure one is MATURE enough to make decisions for other people that could impact the world and our nation. I am certain that Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and the others who sat around that table in Philadelphia didn't just skip that ..let's see we need to save space and paper and keep this Constitution a certain number of words.. didn't establish a MAXIMUM age for the Presidency deliberately, and in their wisdom.
I keep hearing the media beat this drum .. and once again, that drum beat was played and ratified by far greater minds than those who in the media now and other so called modern political history revisionists.
Just a real thought on a clear day.
Constitution of the United States, system of fundamental laws of the United States of America. The Constitution was drawn up by 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia during the summer of 1787 and ratified by the states in 1788. The Constitution defines distinct powers for the Congress of the United States, the president, and the federal courts. This division of authority is known as a system of checks and balances, and it ensures that none of the branches of government can dominate the others. The Constitution also establishes and limits the authority of the federal government over the states and spells out freedoms and liberties for U.S. citizens.
Presidential Qualifications and Salary
The Constitution requires presidents to be natural-born citizens of the United States who are at least 35 years of age and have resided in the United States for 14 years. As a tacit statement of America’s commitment to democracy and equal opportunity, the Constitution gave any free white male citizen of the country the opportunity to become president. All males gained the right to become president in 1870 when the 15th Amendment to the Constitution gave African Americans the right to vote. Women were excluded from running for the office until 1920, when the 19th Amendment to the Constitution gave them the right to vote.