I am watching CNN... aka Obama Network .. true to their calling ..or not calling,, dragging out the win for Clinton in Indiana.. give me a break..
but listening to the sophistry,, yes,,dialogue/agreetodisagree/etc
about the Florida Michigan delegates not being seated.. or allowed and then saying it was Obama who denied that,, and frankly I didn't keep track of that, but if that is what they said.. it may be true, but the fall out of the denial of the Florida/Michigan delegates, if they are not allowed to seated is the fact that the Democrats will NOT have a clear consensus and picture of their own party, because in the General Election, come November: GUESS WHAT?
Florida and Michigan will be allowed,, (will be allowed,,what has this primary come to? ).. TO VOTE, unfetered.. Yep..
so there gang, by the way, Lanny Davis appears to be an objective analyst even though he is a Clinton supporter, I like his logic and math and sticking to the facts, for real no spin zone