Really give me a break, is this the fifteen minutes of fame
well guess what it totally smacks of the days of mafia run politics
this is outrageous, holding the nation .. and campaigns hostage for 11,ooo plus votes and I am sure it is a conservative county and Clinton will win but it is totally sickening...
NO WAY,, Don King production
and if she does lose this state,, I don't appreciate "Mafia/run/absentee ballot/slash/ counting.. NO WAY could one county make a state lose at four per cent.. WOW another anomaly,,, but if it is that close.. Indiana will have to pay for the two percent anomaly recount. and if I were Hillary I would do it
Marshall Coleman did it in Virginia,, and guess what.. that is the name of the game. Sounds like Illionois tried to get over..but it doesn't work that way anymore people.. BIG BROTHER sometimes works in one's favor LOL.