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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama refuses the wear American Flag pin

The Voter's of the great Commonwealth State of Virginia have spoken
and now that the kid gloves are coming off.. thought I would post some of the more controversial things coming across the desk.
Obama refuses to wear his American Flag pin, saying that after 9/11 the American Flag pin, and I am paraphrasing .. had become passe because everyone is wearing one. Do'h! and his patriotism can be explained by his words--- whatever happened to actions?
Yep and here is that link to the news article

Sent to me by another astute observer,, The huge Che Guevara Poster in the Houston, Texas Campaign office

That is the link,, and I will try to post the picture directly later. Yep, Good old Che Guevara, Communist die hard--hero of the Communists residing in Cuba.. TODAY, I guess when I said the Comrade News Network, CNN, now changing its name to the Obama News Network--I wasn't that far off the mark.